Your gift helps draw New Zealanders into an increasingly meaningful, personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

When you donate to The Word For Today, you join a team committed to making Jesus Christ known throughout New Zealand through this daily devotional. You can help keep Gospel inspired messages of faith, hope and love available to people across New Zealand through your daily devotional.

Your gift supports:

  • Life-changing content, available where and when people need it, that connects them with Jesus Christ and draws them into deeper relationship with him.
  • The printed version of the daily devotional speaking scripture inspired encouragement into people's lives every day.
  • The Word For Today mobile app that connects people with impactful content online at their fingertips.
  • The email version that is received and read by people every day.

Your gift using the form below is a fast, secure way to help draw New Zealanders into an increasingly meaningful, personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Thank you for supporting The Word For Today, your daily devotional.


Your donation will help change lives for good.

Other ways to donate:

Direct Bank Deposit

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Donations will be processed either on the 15th or 30th of the month. Please be assured that no money will be drawn without your prior approval, and we will send you a confirmation of when the direct debit will happen. If you have further questions, please call 09 307 1251 and one of our friendly staff will assist you.


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© Rhema Media Inc. 2025